Sunday, February 20, 2011

Tips For Becoming a Successful Model

brooklyn decker

Modeling and Career Scope

One of the dictionary meanings for modeling is, “the job of wearing clothes, jewellery, etc. in order to advertise them”. But in day-to-day life the profession has evolved a lot from this simple meaning of the word. In fact it has flourished to a great extent and falls into the category of competitive professions. 
In modeling, supremacy lies for women yet the Indian youth is shining out in this field with equal opportunities for both the genders. The revolutionary advancement in information and broadcasting media opened the door for so called advertisements which in turn resulted in the growth of modeling industry. 

The key ingredient or the charm of this profession is confidence. To a layman modeling is nothing but a synonym for stardom, a job that showers fame with no struggle but it is not so instead it is a job that requires a lot of hard work to be put into. Only a dedicated and devoted person can come out with flying colors in modeling. 

Modeling Career Tips : How to Start a Modeling Portfolio

Print Media Modeling

A picture is worth a thousand words and print media modeling makes use of this proverb effectively. It is nothing but still photography through which ideas, emotions or information is conveyed. The potency lies in the fact of how well something is put forth or concept is communicated via a picture and not through words. Print media modeling should be lively as an idea is to be explained through a picture. Still photography to a great degree is made use for the features published in print media, brochures of products, catalogues, calendars of well known and big organizations or firms. 

Television Modeling

Advertisements in television, movie, video and internet are shot using movie camera. Acting and dancing is a part of this form of modeling. In fact acting is mandatory for television modeling. 

Showroom Modeling 

With the entry of big firms into the retail field of India, the scope in showroom modeling has boomed. Society has changed so have the trends and interest. The concept of sales personnel is not just enough anymore. Amongst a thousand options before, consumers have to make a choice of what suits or befits them. It is at this juncture that showroom modeling gains importance. There are immense opportunities for showroom modeling in large scale production and exporting companies. 

Tips On How To Become a Model

Ramp / Catwalk/ Live modeling 

Cloths and other products are introduced to the audience via this genre of modeling. It can either be through fashion shows or any other exhibitions. Live modeling is a common feature in sophisticated showrooms. It is in an area in which the models undergo a lot of psychological stress as their job has to be done in front of a live and often a huge audience and thus a prolonged training is very important to project themselves well and confidently. Body language and style of walk are other factor to be taken utmost care of.

Advertising Modeling

Advertisements are printed or aired to introduce a product into market and to publicize it. Advertising modeling is widely made use in both print as well as visual media. It is also used for posters, packing etc. The striking feature of this sort of modeling is that people of different age groups can be the face of the ad, ranging from a new born baby to an adult of hundred years. If you think you are photogenic then give it a try!

Other Options in the Field of Modeling 

Model coordinating agency, advertising agency, fashion show coordination are other electives in the field of modeling. So those who aspire to take a career path in this industry have a door wide open, with success waiting for them on the other end provided they put their heart and soul to it. 

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