Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Situation is when we have to change a tyre?

Cars really are great, they get us from A to B and depending on our choices can be any shape or size. Sadly, they don't always work exactly like we would like them to and we certainly should be prepared for any such occasion so we can turn a nightmare into a much more controllable situation.

One such situation is when we have to change a tyre, it doesn't matter if you have the world's oldest and most unreliable car or the world latest supercar as basically they all have tyres and those tyres certainly don't last forever. Imagine the situation, you are about to drive to work and you just happen to glance at your front tyre and notice it is totally flat. This is certainly something you really don't want to have to deal with but sadly unless you do you won't be getting to work (or anywhere else!).

All cars should have the right tools to change a tyre including a:
Jack - this inserts under the car to lift it up so that you can safely change the tyre.
Wheel brace - this is used to unscrew the bolts that hold the wheel in place.
Spare tyre - all cars should have a spare tyre in their car in case of emergencies, it should be regularly checked so that you don't end up staring at two flat tyres in one day!!
Making sure that you have all of these in working order and to hand within your car is very important.

Your first task is to find your cars spare tyre which is most commonly located underneath the floor mat in the boot of your car; this of course depends on your vehicles make. A good idea is to check the spare tyre's pressure to make sure it is not the same as the flat one you are replacing!
Making sure that you are in a safe location you will need to elevate your car to be able to remove and replace the flat tyre with the use of a car jack. One important factor to note is that if you feel that you don't have the experience or knowledge to change a tyre it is best to seek advice and help from a trained professional.

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