Sunday, October 18, 2009

Waka Inoue releases 2010 calendar

TOKYO — Bikini model-turned-actress Waka Inoue, 29, was at the Fukuya bookstore in Ginza this week to promote her 2010 calendar, and shook hands with her fans who had applied for the special tickets last month.

The calendar doesn’t have any shots of her in a bikini this time, but there is one of her rolling around in bed with the sheets, and other photos feature her in dresses which reveal her curves and thighs. She said: “This was my last photo shoot in my 20s, and will be my first calendar for my 30s. I want people to focus on the adult in me coming out.”

Inoue is rumored to be in a passionate relationship with actor Shigeyuki Totsugi, 35, and when asked about it she said: “Talking about it is a bit embarrassing, but maybe you can judge by my expression,” letting a big smile do the talking for her. Another reporter asked her if she was going to put one of her calendars in Totsugi’s home, and Inoue said she thought that was a good idea.

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